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Sunday, 20 November 2022

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Monday, 14 November 2022

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griha shobha magazine subscription Published this article 6. Defacto nationalization of the grain market With more than 75 per cent of the marketable surplus procured by the government very little grain is available for the open market. This lower market supply exerts an upward pressure on prices in the open market neutralizing much of the consumer benefits that the subsidy provides. Also the Essential Commodities Act APMC Act and state government interferences adversely affect the price competitiveness of Indian grain in the international market griha shobha magazine in hindi.

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csr gktoday Published this article The economic costs of FCI for acquiring storing and distributing food grains is about 40 per cent more than the procurement price. b. Higher storage costs and losses due to inadequate capacity FCIs average annual rate of increase in storage capacity has been a meager 4.5 percent while the growth rate of rice and wheat stocks in the central pool has been more than 18 per cent.csr gktoday magazine subscription  Data for the year 201112 show that FCIs storage and transit losses have increased by close to 147 per cent in nominal terms between 20062007 and 20112012 much of which is accounted for by a 164% increase in storage costs in the period best current affairs magazines.

Thursday, 3 November 2022

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Potential for misuse overregulation and abuse Censorship provides the state motivated by political gains an opportunity and means to control the ideas and expression of citizens. o Further a weak criminal justice system vague language of legislations and lack of clarity in jurisprudence can make it easier to suppress free speech.  Ineffective in certain cases Censored material has tendency to find its way into society through underground channels. In some cases censoring content has led to the generation of widespread curiosity about the censored material hence defeating the purpose of censorship. Way forward general knowledge refresher 

Thursday, 27 October 2022

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drishti current affairs magazine subscription There are reports that tonnes of fruits and vegetables are rotting in the Azadpurmandi—the largest produce market in India.
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